terça-feira, 29 de março de 2016

Bugs: 08

   Oi Galera! Trouxe mais Bugs enviados pelos jogadores. Os 4 primeiros foram enviados pela Sherida e o último foi enviado pelo *Soul Hunter.

Andando sobre o nada!

Cadê a Casa do Edgar?

sexta-feira, 25 de março de 2016

Atualização do Blog: 24 - Páscoa 2016!

   Boa noite milmonautas! Já perceberam o que chegou de novo no blog? :D

- Novo banner!
- Novo fundo!

   Isso mesmo, a Páscoa já está bem próxima! E nós não esquecemos disso! :3
Não esqueçam de participar dos Concursos que a Equipe do MilMo está fazendo lá no Facebook, saibam mais: http://mundodemilmo.blogspot.com.br/2016/03/evento-de-pascoa.html

Feliz Páscoa milmonautas! :)

Concursos do MilMo: Evento de Páscoa \o/

Oi gente, a Páscoa esta chegando e a Equipe do MilMo preparou algumas coisas novas para nós, confira:

We start Easter with a sale!
Join our event here on Facebook for contest, give aways and other fun stuff during the Easter weekend.

Publicação: https://www.facebook.com/MilMoGame/photos/a.361795353835401.104203.358934224121514/1288109264537334/?type=3&theater

sábado, 19 de março de 2016

Concurso do MilMo: Dia de São Patrício!

   Olá galera! Está acontecendo mais um Concurso lá na página do MilMo:

Contest - Saint Patricks Day!
Today it is Ireland's national day, and then it is tradition to wear green. Therefore, we will have a green contest this weekend.

You have until Monday noon. 08:00 (GMT time zone) to upload a screenshot of your green avatar as a comment on this post. Use the clothes, the hair and the environment in the game to be as green as possible. You may only use that as the game has to offer. Photoshop and programs like that to create additional effects are not allowed.

On Monday we will select three players who will win 5000 June Cash each in prize money.

Remember to write down the name of your avatar and what server you play on.

Publicação: https://www.facebook.com/MilMoGame/posts/1282768938404700


sábado, 12 de março de 2016

Concurso do MilMo: (Resultado) Coloque sua Guitarra e toque!

   Olá pessoal, o ganhador do Concurso "Coloque sua Guitarra e toque!" é o FarisZZZ. Veja a mensagem que deixaram na página do MilMo:

Hi MilMonauts!

We have picked a winner for the "Get your guitar and rock"-contest. The winner is FarisZZZ, who we think was creative with using the game mechanics very well. Also, he made it looked like the bird is dancing while he is giving a concert.

FarisZZZ, you won 1000 June Cash. Everyone else who joined the competition in time with a correct photo, name of your avatar and server will get a Mystery Box. It may take up to one week until the prize reaches you.

Rock on!


domingo, 6 de março de 2016

Concurso do MilMo: Coloque sua Guitarra e toque!

   Bom dia pessoal, a página no MilMo no Facebook está fazendo um Concurso:

Contest time - Get your guitar and rock!

Everyone who uploads a photo of their avatar with the guitar as a comment to this post will get a Mystery Box. The one we think posted the best photo will also win 1000 June Cash.

1. One photo per avatar.
2. Post your photo before March 7th at 12.00 (GMT time zone). You have to look up what that is in your local time.
3. If you do not write down the correct name of your avatar and server you will not get a prize.

A hint on how we judge: Use the mechanics from the game as much as possible, example angles of the camera, clothes, hair, enviroment and so on.

Good luck!
The MilMo Team